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Friday, February 11, 2011

.|.A Little Thought.|.

Morning daisies..HAHA!It's exactly 10.57 as I'm typing
this..First and foremost,I'd like to congratulate my sis,
the journalsit turned magazine writer Shahida Sarhid
and husband for the arrival of their new born prince!
May he be blessed and may he brings blessings and joy
to the whole family..Okay...I swear I had things on my
mind to talk about..But..I just turned blank at this very

10:46 PM Z

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I had the most wierdest yet scary dream last night..
I dreamt that my mum was on death bed..And when
I woke up,it felt as though I really had tears from my
eyes..For a moment I thought it was reality only to
see that my mum was sound asleep and snoring..Phew!
All praises to Allah S.W.T...If one day..She's gone..I'll
be on my own..At a very young age..Oh God,please
let her see her grandchildren..Let me make her smile,
happy and do her proud..Please don't take her any
time soon...Ameen..

8:49 PM Z

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Oh yes..Pretty much confused at this very moment..
Best described by Katy Perry's Hot And Cold..I rest
my bloody case..I'm in total lost for words...You are
just plain hopeless..Blinded by situation that's long
gone..That's it..I pack my bags and I'm 5 steps away
from out the door..I'd say the same for you..Pack
your bag,take your act with you and run along,Jack..

12:40 PM Z

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Kadang-kala manusia sering lupa akan orang-orang
yang mengelilingi mereka..People tend to forget those
smaller people..I tak tau lah kenapa kan..But I think
it's sungguh amat menyedihkan..They tak tahu nak
menghargai mereka yang make an effort to be in their
life..And sometimes they overlooked orang yang ada
di hadapan mereka..Mungkin this is what I would call
these kind of people : Celik mata buta hati..Yes..Eyes
wide open but the heart is blind..Cuba lah..Cuba lah
ya,awak buka mata hati tu sikit..Perhaps then,you
wouldn't feel so lost and empty anymore..

Kesian I dengan orang-orang macam ni..

10:04 PM Z

Thursday, January 20, 2011

.|.100th Post baby!!.|.

Hello sugar plums!This is my 100th post here.LOL..I
know I've neglected you dear bloggy..I missed you so
much okay?Haha..

So much have been happening..To begin with,o-o-
orientations baybeh!It was definitely a messy one..But
it was worth taking up that post/role as a chairman.
I shouted,I nagged and I've screamed and scolded..

Now that that's over,it's a relieve..One thing on my
mind now is to interview the new intakes..After that is
done,bonding time!

Over the weekends,I've been working..Helping Fina out,
covering her..I was at Expo hall 5..Promoting hand
bouquet made of clay,for not only wedding but any
occasion including funeral..Yes..The lady boss did made a
bouquet for a funeral..It was an awesomely great and
fun experience.Met a lot of new prospects..Made new
friends and potential partners/clients..

Unforgettable! I wanna do it again..I wanna meet those
people again!! I'm starting to miss them already..

Till we meet again,
I'll see you when I see you..


1:13 PM Z

Monday, January 17, 2011

.|.Caught In Between.|.

I'm caught in between my responsibilities as a
Chairman for School of Business Leaders and
a rare opportunity to go for Blaze 3..Many envy
me..I'm aware..Not many get the chance to
go for it..Only 3..I rejected it once..It was offered
to me again..People say opportunities comes
knocking once..It knocked me twice..Oh dear!

Talked to Mr.Singh..Fina..Qinny...And Mum..
Mr.Singh said GO!! Fina told me to be greedy
an go get what I want (in a good way,I get what
she means)...Qinny told me that it came knocking
again on my door even after i backed out in the
first place..Mum..All she said was,don't think too
much..Just make a decision and move towards it..
Don't doubt myself and my decisions..

After much thoughts..And even more thoughts..
Here's the choice I made as a leader..Yes..I take
actions as a leader now..And as a leader I shall go
for my Blaze 3..Hang my Chairman post and leave
my Leaders for a week..Bear in mind,I'm leaving
them at a crucial time..April Orientation..I'll only
be back the day before school opens..Have mercy
on me!

It's made..It's done..I'm gone for it!

9:06 PM Z

Friday, December 24, 2010


I am done reading he's just not that into you..
And I couldn't agree more on what had been
discussed in it..Women should never let
herselves be belittled by any man..No man
have any rights to demoralise a woman..Nor do
they have the authority to abuse a woman!

I'm gonna type out some things from the
book..Specifically from " Chapter 11 : He's just
not into you if he's a selfish jerk,a bully,or a
really big freak "

Quoted :
If you really love someone,you want to do
things to make that person happy

" He's got so much good in him. He really does.
I just wish he wouldn't tell me to shut up all the
time." Yeah, that's a problem. Try not to ignore
it. I now "he's got so many other great qualities."
That's why you fell in love with him in the first
place. I know you wouldn't fall in love with an asshole.
But here's the trick: Forget about him and his good
qualities. Even forget about his bad ones. Forget
about all his excuses and what he promises. Ask
yourself one question only: Is he making you happy?
People are complicated. They are a mixed bag of
lovable and dysfunctional qualities. That's why
they are so darn confusing. That's why trying to
figure them out is a waste of time. Is he making
you happy? I don't mean some of the time, on rare
occasions, not that often, "but the good still outweighs
the bad." Does he make it clear in his actions every
day that your happiness is important to him? If the
answer is no, cut him loose and go find a man with
a higher "good count."

There's lots of behaviour that can be considered
abusive that doesn't include being beaten about
the head and neck. That includes getting yelled at,
being publicly humiliated, or being made to feel
fat and unattractive or you're a burden to them. It's
hard to feel worthy of love when someone is going
out of their way to make you feel worthless. Being
told to get out of these relationships may not work
for you. Knowing that you're better than these
relationships is the place to start. You are better
than these relationships. "

No women should feel that she is not worth it..
No women should feel like she is a burden to her
man..And no man definitely have any rights or
power or authority (reason being : he's the head
of the family) to yell or abuse his woman be it
physically or verbally!

And man..Please..Don't think that you're such
a big power in the family..There wouldn't be
a family if there's no woman..Appreciate them
not emotionally torment and abuse them..

Personally,I'd leave these kind of men without
any second thoughts..It don't matter how much
I love them..How much it hurts..I don't give a
swine fuck! I deserve better!

5:34 PM Z

♥Loved By Lust♥

♥♥♥♥Family Ku


Close Ones
♥Matt : Handsome Ranger?
♥NadZerg : Mimi Loma
♥Razz : Lil' Brother

BLs & Corporation
Mas Aidil

Beauty Laydettes

seri Rahayu :Academi Radio Remaja

Dirty Little Secrets

Love of the Past

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
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