
Music Playlist at

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I went out with my dearest most
loved Lovelies..Gosh...It was after
the exhibition..What was it?Beauty
Fair or something laa...Ahak..

Had to dressed formal again..This
time round,my so called formal
got a heck lot of comments..Haha..
I'll upload the picas once I get it k
my dear daisies?Haha...So..In heels
I went around City Hall to Esplanade
and wherever our legs brought us..

FINALLY!!!I get to "attend" my
laughing session!! Its damn damn damn
good you know!!Hahak..There's one
moment that I'll remember like hell!!

Love was saying to swithart that her
slippers were nice,she then asked
what brand was it...At that time..Swithart
was facing Love..Happens to be that her
butt was RIGHT in front of my cute
face..So I spontaneously said "Dee,your butt
seemed nice..What brand is it uh?"

Hahahahahahahaha!!!And the three of us
went GILA laughing at my lame-ness!!
That was funny laa...Serious shyt man..
So yesterday I kind of get my yet
another chance to go home late..Ahak..

One word : ALASAN

If Love likes to end it with toodles..
I will always end it wif poodles!!

('s lame..I noe)

10:40 PM Z

Monday, February 23, 2009


Tak pernah terfikir olehku,
Tak sedikit pun ku bayangkan,
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri,
Begitu sulit ku bayangkan,
Begitu sakit ku rasakan,
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri,

Di bawah batu nisan kini,
Kau telah sandarkan,
kasih sayang kamu,
Begitu dalam,
Sungguh ku tak sanggup,
Ini terjadi,
Kerna ku sangat cinta,

Inilah saat terakhirku melihat kamu,
Jatuh airmataku menangis pilu,
Hanya mampu ucapkan selamat jalan kasih,

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa,
Cintai kamu kamu kamu di hatiku,
Namun bagiku melupakanmu butuh waktuku,
Seumur hidup,

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa,
Sayangi kamu di hatiku,
Namun bagiku melupakanmu butuh waktuku,
Seumur hidup.

No other words best describe
how I'm feeling for the past few
weeks..That is the bloodday why
this song has been on my Friendster
for quite some time..And..It will be
there for a quite longer time..

Soon..It will splendour both my
bloggy..Heh...I've been encountering
this so called mood swings..Guess...
I'm just puppy sick missing someone
and yet..I want to not have any
feelings for him/towards him...I want
to hate him so badly..I mean..It would
be so much easier if I were to hate him
instead of you know...Caring for him..

Yes..I am capably able of pushing
aside what I have for him when it
comes to work matters..But it
would be much easier..Much much
easier if I were to hate him...

How I wished I could say goodbye
to him and never to see or bump
into him ever..At least,till someone
else has come knocking on my door..

And I wonder..Why can't I just get
over him like how I got over Hakim?
What's there to him that makes him
a bloodday special ass?!Gosh..I so
seriously want to go away..Hide
myself...Not that I want to hide from
the world..

Just let me hide from those who've
always seen me as a cheerful,happy-
go-lucky joker..I don't want them
to see this side of me..Maybe once
in a while is okay..But I think this
will go on for a few more weeks to

And yes..

This is the last time I see you,
Tears falling crying in sorrow,
Only able to say goodbye love,
Only 1 hour I'm able to love
You you you,
Yet to me,forgetting you will
Need my whole life.

Sheesh!I know this is a bit too
"jiwang" (emo) right now...Well...
That's just the fact right this very

Saat Terakhir(Last moment)....
That's the tittle of this song...
I want my last moment..I want
to see him for the very last time..
Then go my way..It made me
shed tears whenever this song

It has been accompanying me
for weeks now..It has been my
sleep goodnight song..I cried to
sleep with it..I keep it on repeat
mode..'Cuz...I wanna cry it out..

Hoping...Wishing...That when I
wake up the next morning,this
feeling I have will be dried up,
along with my tears..You wish
Irah...You wish...

If tears are gonna be falling..So
be it..Cry Irah..Cry...Let it out..
Let it go...Leave him,let him
flow with those tears running
down your cheek...Wipe it away,
wipe him away..Throw it to the
ocean,throw your feelings with
it..Let it be washed away,sunken
then into the ocean..Just like
how you wish it will be...
Just... ... ...

Don't let it pull you too...

11:32 PM Z

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Happy Burstday to my one and
onli dearest most sayang adik,
Matthew Joshua Wee Pin!!Hahak..
Finalli u're legal ehk adik?Haha..
May you always find happiness with
your loved ones aite..[Sorry adik...
Kakak wish you late..I was not in
my mood and I wasn't being
myself around that hour...]

Haha..It went well..I guess...Hahak..
The manager there seemed nice and
friendly..So is the Boss,Mr.Jasson..Hehe..
So..Yeap...Hopefully I'd most probably
be starting my IA on the 23rd March..
While the rest decided to start on the
16th March..Hehe..We'll see how uh ehk..

Then after the interview..I headed back to
school,met up with Fina..Sit and do nothing..
Then off to LJS..CHEESE!!!!!Haha..Ok...Food
& I..What is wrong man!!I'm so crazy about
eating!!Hahak...It's just that I love to eat..But
I am VERY particular okeh!?Hahak..Anywhoos..

I was filling up the pails in my room
yesterday midnight..Before I sms my adik,
while sms-ing my adik...And after sms-ing
my adik...Yeash..I was crying..I've got no
idea as to why I cried..I told Love that I wanna
talk to her..End up..I cried alone..'Cuz I don't
want her to hear me cry...(she heard me cried
before laa..but not THIS kind of cry)

Seriously..I have been growing mature from
every little things that has happened..I've
grown from someone childish to someone..
Well...Someone wiser..Wiser in making a
move,wiser is deciding a choice...Wiser in
taking every step that will take me to my
destination..Wiser in every sense...But yet..
I'm a fool to open my "gate" and let a
certain someone in..Just to walk pass,with
no hi or bye..

This ain't the first time I can tell
you..First..Hakim..Then..R Jepon..Then,
came Darni..With him..We got together..But
onli for a short while..I guess close friends
SHOULD remain as close friends..No more..
No less...I hold nothing against him..So is he..
We're...Like we used to be...Heh..Thank God
I didn't lose a friend..But still..I was taking a
risk there...After Darni..I broke my "vow"..

Broke my own sayings..That is so not me..
Damn!!I hate him for being able to make me
do that..So..Fine..No more opening my "gate"
for anyone else!I'll let him settle in my castle
for now..Just...For now...For nobody holds
the key to the future..Which means..Anytime,
my royal guards can throw him out of my
castle..Muahahaa!!(evil evil evil luff here!!!!)

What more,I am no longer capable of
hoping and doing anything about it..
So...I'm just gonna toosh it..Let it rest..

Court Dismiss

12:10 PM Z

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Tomorrow is THE big day!!
Interview dok!!Interview!!!
Kk...*Irah is praying hard*

Im feeling pretty bored now!!Infact
today I've been pretttyyyy BORED!!
Don't know why..But lately..I've been
feeling kinda down...You see me hyper,
smiling and laughing...Well...Secret
lurks behind it....Only God Knows...

Okeh...Seriously..I don't know what to
blog about..It's been damn pathetic for
me to even be here typing something,
you know..Gosh!What is the bloodday
wrong with me?I'm smiling..But not the
inside...Im laughing..But I just don't get
the JOKE!!You get it?!Someone please
save me...I need my "God sent Angel"
desperately...Now...At this particular
tyms especially...

So...It's not a good tym realli to piss me
off...Get on my nerve...Get "invited" into
my black list...'Cuz..I guarantee you...It
will take decades to clear your name from
my "black list"..So...Don't...I repeat myself..
Don't piss me off...Aite?Kk..

10:17 PM Z

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


MAK DATOK!!! Today is DA BOMB!!
Hahak..GEP ppl rock my...hmm..My...
Hmm...My kebaya laa!!Haha...Especialli
the ICs...I was the onli "flower" sia..Haha..
Changed partner here and there..Hahak..

But had fun though..And I will be having
an INTERVIEW on FRIDAY,3 pm at

Dak duk dak duk dak duk dak duk!!!!!!!!

9:35 PM Z

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Holler my dear daisies!!Ahak...Wokay...
Yesterday was Valentine's Day..Right?
Korect..But tell me...How many of us
realli care about celebrating it?Not many
kan?Because...Because...Because some of
us are single mah...Duhh!!Hahaha..I'm
one of them laa...Hahak..So nothing's on
for me on 14 Feb..Had to find something to
do..Haiyah..what uh?haha..

Asked Love out?Nope..She had to take care
of Mirul..Swithart?Err...Nehmind..Ntah2 baru
habis mandi!!Haha..Jgn marah haah...So I
tried to get hold of Fina!!Haha..Got her!!Haha..
Meet her...Then..JJTA!!Haha..Luff all the way
sia..Hahaha...Okeh!!Enuff...Don't!!Remind me
about that one particular thing that will be the
luff of the day...Haha...That's about yesterday..
Since it still is in the Season of Love..I have
something for those who are....Silent please..

For those who are
1)In Love
2)Out of Love
3)Searching for Love
4)Found Love,Yet Unable to Have It

To see that the one you love is with someone else...
Yet,willingly....You distance yourself away..So the one
you love can be happy with the one they love.
THAT..Is the greatest love of all..

1:57 PM Z

Saturday, February 14, 2009

.|.Hello People!!.|.

Yesh..Hello people...Haha...Most of
u are aware that I have a blog..Not this
one...The other one..And since that
blog is suppose to be private..It was
un private due to some circumstances..
So I'm setting it back it to private..I felt
not nice since some ask me to link u guys
up..So here I am...Another blog..Haha...

Its exactly the same as my other blog...
Onli difference is its' content..So yeah..
Hello and welcome!!

9:48 PM Z

♥Loved By Lust♥

♥♥♥♥Family Ku


Close Ones
♥Matt : Handsome Ranger?
♥NadZerg : Mimi Loma
♥Razz : Lil' Brother

BLs & Corporation
Mas Aidil

Beauty Laydettes

seri Rahayu :Academi Radio Remaja

Dirty Little Secrets

Love of the Past

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


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