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Friday, December 24, 2010


I am done reading he's just not that into you..
And I couldn't agree more on what had been
discussed in it..Women should never let
herselves be belittled by any man..No man
have any rights to demoralise a woman..Nor do
they have the authority to abuse a woman!

I'm gonna type out some things from the
book..Specifically from " Chapter 11 : He's just
not into you if he's a selfish jerk,a bully,or a
really big freak "

Quoted :
If you really love someone,you want to do
things to make that person happy

" He's got so much good in him. He really does.
I just wish he wouldn't tell me to shut up all the
time." Yeah, that's a problem. Try not to ignore
it. I now "he's got so many other great qualities."
That's why you fell in love with him in the first
place. I know you wouldn't fall in love with an asshole.
But here's the trick: Forget about him and his good
qualities. Even forget about his bad ones. Forget
about all his excuses and what he promises. Ask
yourself one question only: Is he making you happy?
People are complicated. They are a mixed bag of
lovable and dysfunctional qualities. That's why
they are so darn confusing. That's why trying to
figure them out is a waste of time. Is he making
you happy? I don't mean some of the time, on rare
occasions, not that often, "but the good still outweighs
the bad." Does he make it clear in his actions every
day that your happiness is important to him? If the
answer is no, cut him loose and go find a man with
a higher "good count."

There's lots of behaviour that can be considered
abusive that doesn't include being beaten about
the head and neck. That includes getting yelled at,
being publicly humiliated, or being made to feel
fat and unattractive or you're a burden to them. It's
hard to feel worthy of love when someone is going
out of their way to make you feel worthless. Being
told to get out of these relationships may not work
for you. Knowing that you're better than these
relationships is the place to start. You are better
than these relationships. "

No women should feel that she is not worth it..
No women should feel like she is a burden to her
man..And no man definitely have any rights or
power or authority (reason being : he's the head
of the family) to yell or abuse his woman be it
physically or verbally!

And man..Please..Don't think that you're such
a big power in the family..There wouldn't be
a family if there's no woman..Appreciate them
not emotionally torment and abuse them..

Personally,I'd leave these kind of men without
any second thoughts..It don't matter how much
I love them..How much it hurts..I don't give a
swine fuck! I deserve better!

5:34 PM Z

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

.|.Feels Crappy!.|.

*sob sob*

Pathetic!That's how I feel right this very
moment!I feel sick...I feel like I'm useless..
I feel like..I'm just...Forget it..It's one of
those days you just feel like you're nothing..
You are nothing..Somebody give me one
tight slap please!

I need to get on track real soon..Or else..I'll
keep feeling like this..Not healthy,people!

8:54 PM Z

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

.|.Tuesday Baby!!.|.

Helloooooooooo Tuesday!!!Ouh my..This is
making me nerveous..Why?Bacause...Soon,
December will come to it's end...It feels like
it was just yesterday that I set out to do my
higher nitec course..Now look where I'm at
already..Stepping into 2011 in days to come..

12:20 AM Z

Monday, December 20, 2010

.|.20th December 2010.|.

Happy Birthday to my dearest bestie
Nur Ashiqin Aziz!!! Happy 20th to you!
may you have a blast and blessed birthday!
Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki serta
kurniakan kau dengan kesihatan dan
kebahagiaan disamping keluarga tersayang..

I woke up today crying..Feeling like a
piece of crap..Don't know why..And I
got fed up by people..Yes..So fed up..Let
me start with this..I know I stand out..How?
Because on the first day of school,I was
already nominated as the class chair,which,
of course,I rejected..I got far higher aim and
It's best to give others a chance..I'm not a
greedy girl..I know my charisma and qualities
shines..Every class events,I'll be the one to
either go or be in charge..But for this one
matter,I really raise my white flag..From the
begining..Some people need to realise that
as much as I am dependable,as much as I am
a dominant person,I know my limitations..I've
got a lot at hands right now..I can't possibly
be in charge of another event,right?And..When
I said "You take over..It's not a good choice to
put me up..I can't commit..I've got too much
commitments already"

You don't have to whine you know?I'm giving
YOU the spotlight..Take the chance...Just
because I always speak out,I always wanna
be the best and the first,doesn't mean I'm a
wonder woman..I set my focus and my
priority..I have an orientation to handle,plan
and make sure it runs like river water smooth..
And you expect me to run another thing..When
all I ask for is,you to do it..I'll guide if you're
not sure,but I can't give you my 100%..Take
that opportunity and use it well..It's not that I
dont appreciate or be thankful of all the
opportunities that comes knocking at my door..
I know it's a good exposure and stuff..But puh-
lease!Too much is too much yaw!

I know it's not easy to be the head of some
organization..I know they look up to me..But..
So many buts!But,why don't you step up and
realise YOUR potential instead?Find out what
you can actually do..Don't just depend on what
I can do..Because I believe I can do almost
anything..I have alot on my plate..So I'll share..
Don't worry..I will make you do what you're
suppose to do..I'm gonna be hard on you..Just
so you will take up that task..I don't care if
you're gonna think that I'm a bitch..I'll be the
bitch that,one day,when you look back,and
you're then a someone,you'll be thanking this
bitch for making you realise what you're
capable of doing..

I'm not boasting..I'm not thinking highly of
myself..I'm not good.I'm not perfect..But I
try,wait! I don't try,I DO it as perfectly as
possible...Though I know there's imperfections
and flaws..But I do it with my heart and soul..
With sincereity and passion..That,covers the

Which brings me to another matter..As a leader,
you are responsible for every actions you make..
You take...You do...I wonder why is it so hard
for people who wants to lead but can never take
charge of their own live?

Is it so hard to reply a text saying you've noted
the message that's been passed down to you?
You're a leader,do you think it's approproiate
for you to ignore what has been passed down to
you?Where's your sense of responsibility?Where
is that sense of respect and initiative?Where's
that sense of pride in doing something?

The big question is...Why are you here in the first
place?Put your hands close to your heart and ask
yourself..Listen to yourself..What makes you a
leader?I cannot change anything if you yourself
refuse to change..Leaders are born from within..
Feel it and then work towards it..That's all I can
say..You were chosen because we saw potential
in you..We saw something in you..Don't make us
think otherwise..

Mucho amor..Irah

2:36 PM Z

Sunday, December 19, 2010

.|.Sunday...Oh Sunday.....|.

It's a freaking Sunday evening..And my heart
is beating fast out of the blue..I just don't feel
good..Something's not right..Something's amiss.
Even breathing in makes me shiver..Ya Allah..
What wrong did I do now?Or,did any of my
loved ones got into trouble?Or...I'm the one
who's gonna get into trouble?I don't know!!
It just feels annoying...This feeling is killing!

Tak suka!!Tak suka!!Tak suka!!Hati tak
sedap..Duduk tak boleh diam..Tgk TV
fikiran melayang...Amacam?Ni feeling yang
tak handsome..Subhanallah...Apa agaknya
eh sebab sampai rasa macam ni?Sampai
tangan semua naik sejuk..Aduh mak...

I wish this feeling would just go off...Please!
I need to get away..That's it..PERIOD!!This
is more than what I can handle...

One day when you text me and I don't reply,
one day when you call me and couldn't get
through,one day when you find me and I'm
nowhere to be found..Just leave me as it is..
Leave me to find peace..Leave me to think...
Leave me with myself,to ponder,to wonder
and to cry..I may look like I can handle
anything..But the truth is..I...Can handle
nothing...I put up a wall between people and
myself..I restrict myself..I don't know why..
But thats how I felt..That's how my nature is..

If you're sincere enough..I'll fall into your
arms..You'll see who I am inside not just
the outside...

6:53 PM Z

Saturday, December 18, 2010

.|.9 More Post.|.

I'll be writing my 100th post soon..As
soon as I get over 9 more post..Hahah..
Okay...Potluck Saturday was the kekek
-ness!! We ate and all..At the end of it..
Fina and I we were feeling feeling wine
tasting..and when Apit joined us...We got
down with our madness! We went DOWN
to drinking...Wintermelon..LOL..Yeap..And
we somehow enjoyed the company that
passers by would think we're either high
on ganja or we're drunk..

But the truth is..It's just awesome
company!Sayang no videos of what we did..
If not..You guys would have laughed at it
as well...

Total review : Awe to the SOME!!!

11:49 PM Z

Thursday, December 16, 2010

.|.Last Day of School baby!!.|.

Oh yes!! It's finally the last day of school...No
school tomorrow people!! Thank You!!! LOL...
But any other way...I stilll need to make my
way down to school tomorrow..I'm gonna have
to breathe down my Vice-Chairman & Deputy
Vice-Chairman's neck..Before the holiday mood
really sets in and get the best out of them..

I need them to get me right for once..By hook..
Or by any bloody crook...Get it done..Or I'll
get you done..hehehe...Okay..So here's the
plan for tomorrow..After meeting,karaoke
with bestfriend Chikin!!!WAIT!!! kerching
ada or not?? hahaha!! Korek under pillow uh!!

After that..Saturday will be Potluck Saturday
with the Sentosa Peepos! Awesome huhh??
Yeay!! Amamzing bunch of fun people who've
worked with me!

Oh My mummy Gucci!! Potluck Saturday!!
What to bring??Or rather..WHAT to cook?

1:20 PM Z

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I'm done with reports! Yes..And December will
soon come to an end..Within one week,so much
has happened..And so much more will happen..
I hope more great things will happen..I'm not
looking forward to 2011..Nope..I've got alot that
needs to be done within 2010 and now,2011
is already marching in...Goodness...There are
things I wanna do..People I have yet to meet..

Dreams to chase..Yeah..I am still chasing that
dream of dancing..And that dream to make my
Mother a proud Mother..I'm struggling..Yet
deep down inside...I know that I'll make it..
I know I will get where I wanna get..Touch
what I wanna touch..I have always know this..

Don't stop dreaming..Don't ever lose that
dream..Keep the desire burning..Because
that dream and desire made me who I am
today..Quote to myself..

I've broke down twice in a weeks' time...
People see how vulberable I can be..Then
again..I'm human too...As much as I'm hard
on myself,I still have a heart...I have feelings..
And once in a while..It gets to me you know..

Anyway...I know things will get better..
Soon it will be goodbye 2010..Hello 2011..
(omg!! 9 months later I'm 21!! sheesh!)

Remember people :

Passion is Desire set on Fire that Drives you Higher

6:21 PM Z

♥Loved By Lust♥

♥♥♥♥Family Ku


Close Ones
♥Matt : Handsome Ranger?
♥NadZerg : Mimi Loma
♥Razz : Lil' Brother

BLs & Corporation
Mas Aidil

Beauty Laydettes

seri Rahayu :Academi Radio Remaja

Dirty Little Secrets

Love of the Past

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


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